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Why Us?

Jack Black Casino Dealer School, with instructor Peter Harrison, has been operating since 2001. We have placed students here locally, in N. California, Nevada, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona and on Cruise Ships


Commitment to Excellence!

*Free Payment Plans

*Procedures for Specific Casinos

*No hidden fees

*Free Refresher Courses (for ex-students)


We Make it Easy to Succeed!

**The games you need to get the job

**Pass your Audition the first time.

**Flexi-Time... you come when you can, while following a set structured course.


We Care!

From the first day you sign up, you will receive one-on-one attention. We help you learn at your own pace. If you need help filling out your application, we will help you fill it out.  At Jack Black Casino Dealer School, you receive the attention you deserve.

Congratulations to our recent graduates!
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